Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Our Lady of Perpetual Stench

I was sitting here at the computer and suddenly thought the end of the world as we know it had come. The supply of available oxygen had finally run out. The vapors swirling around me would surely end all life.

And then I realized.......those "vapors" were emitted by That Dog. Actually, being emitted at fairly regular intervals.

I ask myself, how can something smell that bad and still be alive? What do they put in dog food that creates that kind of stench? What does she eat outdoors (because she is an outdoor dog) that makes such a gaseous cloud?

And all the while she has this expression on
her face that is just the picture of innocence.

Ha! If I knew how to edit and add to photos,
I'd add a big green gas cloud above her. And
notice too that she seems completely content
to lay on my dirty laundry. Just drapes herself
right over it so she doesn't have to lay on that
hideous cold carpet!


Needless To Say said...

Put a pink nose on that dog and she could be my dog's twin! Last night I was accusing my husband of having fed her cabbage, the smell was so rancid. And then he admitted he'd really given her some cabbage. (what was he thinking!?) In any case, I feel your pain.

Lidian said...

I have a cat who snores, which isn't quite the same but is distracting. In any case, it is hard in the winter, can't air out the house so much - our issue is cooked brussel sprouts etc, and people who get cold easily when I fling windows open (have to wait until they are all out!)

Needless, I didn't know that dogs would actually eat cabbage, if it was offered to them! Oh dear.

Melanie said...

Needless, she actually does have a pink nose! In the picture her nose is kind of shadowed but it's actually pink/purplish rather than a dark Labrador sort of nose. Can't believe a dog would eat cabbage. This one won't touch a veggie. Now the other dog ate cheesy green beans the other night.

Lidian, any snoring creature can get annoying very fast!

Jackie said...

I feel for you. I have a cat that for the first 3 years we had him, was a walking stink bomb. Gaseous creature. Changing brands of cat food and types did nothing. But after 3 years, the odor just disappeared.

My guess is it's probably food allergies. If you read the labels on pet food, they put so many ingredients into the mix, any one of those or combination could be the culprit. If you could afford the expensive stuff that only has a few ingredients,made for pets with allergies, that might help. Or not.

Melanie said...

It could be allergies, but I wonder if it's not pretty common to Labs. I've had a lot of different Labs on a lot of different food and they all stink the place up. I think it may be partially the things they find outdoors to eat too.