Monday, January 18, 2010

Adding Some Color

I don't like January very much. It's almost always cold and gray. Everything outdoors is either brown or snow covered. The pretty Christmas decorations have been taken down and put away and the house looks so drab. My kitchen is the room I spend the most time in and it has very poor natural lighting and frankly, the electric lighting isn't that great either. It's all just dull in the winter.

Last week, Jenn over at The Thrift Shop Romantic (sorry, I have NO clue how to post a link.)
had a great post about the little things that bring joy to our lives and make a house a home. Her post inspired me to add a little more color and joy to my kitchen. Things that make me smile when I see them.

Since it was time to give my houseplants a little TLC, I thought why not put them in prettier pots? I went to town for potting soil and discovered that NOBODY in town carries flower pots this time of year. So I took the same old plastic ones and gave them funky new paint jobs. And... the best part is, it's way cheaper than buying new planters!

Then I was trying to come up with clever ways to use some of my pyrex collection. This bowl was the perfect size for my coffee filters and looks great alongside my coffee mug. Now I smile every time I open the cupboard door.

And this corner which is dark and drab beyond belief brightened up a bit with some lime green candles and a stack of brighter colored cookbooks.

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